A few months ago, I was commissioned to paint a mural for a cafe somewhere in Mandaluyong. Feeling confident because of my experience with my interior project (that I still haven’t blogged about!), I accepted the offer HAHA.
This is my first commission for a mural. I was referred by Inggo’s officemate’s bestfriend to her officemate who planned on opening a cafe soon. Since mural means it involves painting on walls, I can’t use watercolor! Acrylic paint is the best medium for this since its water-resistant. I bought my acrylics and paint brushes at Deovir the night before.

Details. ♥
Before everything else, I asked their requirements first. They wanted flowers for their wall that is around 4.8m (w) x 2.4m (h). I did mock proposals with photoshop so they could approve the final design. After that, we scheduled the painting day. I was supposed to have an assistant that day, but she backed out HAHA.

The final design was supposed to be around 75% lineart and 25% colored flowers. That’s the reason why I started with the lineart first. But then they changed their minds when they saw how one flower would look when colored.

Progress. ♥

Acrylic paint, water, and lots of patience. ♥

The top part was hard to paint. I had to stand on the step ladder while holding the brush with my left hand, while my right hand holds a paper plate with paint & a cup filled with water.

I found it amusing that even though this is acrylic, my style of painting still looked a lot like watercolor. Maybe it’s because I still used water for this ? I liked the effect though! And the clients liked it too. ♥

The daughter’s artworks. ♥
During the times when I was resting, I offered to teach the client’s daughters to paint flowers on the wall. When they finished, I painted the lineart on top to make it uniform with the rest of the mural. The left was done by the eldest daughter and the right by the youngest. I loved how different the flowers looked. ♥ I feel like they have the talent to be artists someday too. Don’t you think?

Done! ♥
I finished the mural around 9pm in the evening. Did I mention that they planned on opening the next day? HAHA. I’m glad that I finished it on time! This was a tiring but fun experience. I would love to do it again! Thank you again to Diane for the referral. And thank you to my clients for the trust! ♥
Unit B is now open! They’re located at #69 A.T. Reyes Street, Mandaluyong City.