A few weeks ago, we had an impromptu art tambay at Banawe. It was composed of me, Aira, and my block mates from college Ruth and Hannah.

Messy table!

I used the paper that I got from Katya. Thank you again for the paper samples!
Pictured below are some artworks that I did with my hue&ai #NoPaintNoGain watercolor pad. I was still testing out some techniques with this paper.

Experimenting with blooms. I like the bloom effects with this paper. ♥

This is what happens when I paint without a reference. I enjoy too much and forgot about everything else. HAHA. This was supposed to be white!

Hannah & Suff

Aira & Ruth
We had two more art tambays after this one last December. It’s great to meet up with friends to catch up and paint. ♥ I hope we could arrange another one this January!