Baguio Craft Fair

2021 Edit: latest wordpress updates botched up the photo sizes. I’ve been trying to fix this but to no avail. Not sure if I would still bother fixing it.

A few weeks after Sticker Con MNL 2019, 3/4 of the January Makers PH team went up north to Baguio for the Baguio Craft Fair 2019. Jean participated in this fair a year ago and said it was a good event. Since Hannah and I wanted a quick vacation, we went with her this year.

Baguio Craft Fair is on its 4th year. It was held at Mount Cloud bookshop, near Brent International School Baguio. When we arrived on Day 1, it reminded me so much of our Metro Manila version – 10a Alabama Arts & Crafts fair. It was held at the open area of the place, with different crafters selling their wares under the huge makeshift roof, or even under the pine trees. 

Picture heavy post ahead!

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Pretty banderitas!
Weaving workshop!
Amazing work!
I met someone famous! Meet Pacha the mountain dog. ♥

What about us? We were located under the pine trees HAHA. No worries though! Since we’re in Baguio, where the weather is cool and the sun is not that hot. 

Our table! ♥
seamountainco’s handmade watercolors, clay palette, and a bit of my stickers.
Some of her sample works.
Her stickers.
My flower stickers. ♥ I find it funny that they’re more interested with the bird rather than my stickers lol.
Hannah’s stickers and post cards. ♥
Hannah’s mom also asked us to sell her handmade knitted booties. They were our best seller HAHAHA.
I also brought some of my printed bags! (This was during Day 2)
Monique’s food stickers.

We took turns manning our booth. Sometimes I’d wander off and get coffee (they encourage everyone to bring their own utensil/tumblers). Or sometimes I’d take photos of the place and just breathe the fresh air. 

I was mimicking bemzenit’s post card HAHA.
My lunch. Hannah took this photo. I have no idea why HAHAHA.

We also had an extra task for this trip – which was to take decent photos of our products. Thanks to the huge space, we had lots of areas we could take photos from. It was also in our aesthetic – which was nature. Reasons for these photos to be announced hopefully soon!

It rained in the late afternoon, so we had to pack up and cut our bazaar time earlier than expected. For Day 2, the organizers moved the vendors located in the open area to inside the house.

Our table!
We had more space to display our products. More space for my postcards!

Anddd that’s it! Thank you for sticking around until the end of this lengthy post. Based from this experience, I would conclude that this event is really similar with 10A Alabama. The crowd prefers more handmade items rather than stickers. My postcards and bags were a hit here, I should have bought more original works for sale lol. Oh well! Here’s to another good experience. ♥

Will we join again next year? Hmm, we’ll see. ♥

Planner Soiree

First off, I’m back again HAHA. WordPress has updated into a weird editor and this is my first blog entry with it. Let’s hope I won’t get angry with this change. 

A few months ago, the January Makers PH team was invited to become one of the sellers for the Planner Soiree 2.0 .

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This was only our 2nd bazaar for the year! We were sooo busy with our lives that our bazaar team took a backseat for a while. We were invited to this event due to our participation last Sticker Con.

Our Fancy Sellers ID! ♥

Hannah’s new girl stickers. The one wearing the jumpsuit looks a lot like Monique!

Tried to sell my bag haha.

We have a special guest for this table! Clair asked me to sell her calligraphy stickers at our table.

Clair’s quote stickers. A best seller!

My sticker packs.

Hannah’s puppy stickers.

The team.

Overall, it was a fun event! But I think I’d rather join as a participant next year HAHA. They had amazing prizes for those who registered! So happy that I got to bond over my girl friends through bazaars again. I missed my original “tribe”. Until next time!

Katipunan Art Festival

The Katipunan Art Festival held two weeks ago was the most fun we’ve had as a group! I finally got another charger for my digicam woohooo! High quality and picture heavy post ahead:

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The  January Makers PH team was complete that weekend. Monique was part of the organizer team, so she wasn’t available 100% of the time at our booth. We were seated beside Abbey Sy‘s table where Jean (owner of seamountainco) was also a part of. It was a good thing that our booths were beside each other! ♥ Manning the JanMakers table was Hannah and I.

Our table!

Pictured above is our finally complete table setup lol. We finally got to use Monique’s mesh wire where we could hang stuff. Thanks to our first workshop, we finally had the funds to buy our own table for bazaars. It was also by fate that on the day we went shopping, the table was at 30% off! Lucky! ♥

Monique’s side of the table.

Her cute 90s candies & chichirya stickers!

Harry potter-inspired food stickers, 90s candies & chichirya stickers in their cute packaging. ♥

The mesh wire display. ♥

Hannah’s cute animal cut-it-yourself sticker packs. ♥

Other side of the wire mesh: my flower sticker packs, seamountainco individual pans, and our logo. ♥

The center of the table: my individual stickers, home decor (lol), and cute birds.

My postcards. ♥

Jean also made postcards of her artworks. She also made her own sticker pack. ♥

An original watercolor painting for sale. ♥

My original watercolor painting – Magnolia. ♥

Which was sold to this gentleman. ♥ THANK YOU so much!!! (That’s me in my “presko/pochahontas/buwan ng wika” outfit. HAHA.

It was a good thing that the weather cooperated the whole weekend, albeit a bit rainy in the morning but sunny (and windy) the whole day. It was the perfect weather that provided a big crowd for the booths.

Hello to our neighbor The Republika Shop!

Abbey’s table.

Oh, and I love the fact that some of the sellers were also participants from 10a Alabama years ago. I think some from the organizer team were also a part of it? So this event was a mixture of veterans and newcomers.

Graffiti wall!

I’m also thankful for our friends who visited us during the fair. Thank you for the effort! ♥

Ruth & Joy visited our table! ♥

Thanks for visiting Gerard! ♥

Thanks Ma’am Cara! ♥ (Check out her blog!)

Thank you also to Aira and Shine huhu sorry we didn’t get to take photos.

Until the next event! ♥

Art in Aura

A few weeks ago, the January Makers PH team participated in Providore’s pop up weekend market at SM Aura. Due to the bad weather, we were relocated inside near the mall entrance. The usual members who joined were: Jean (owner of seamountainco), Monique (food illustrator), Hannah – who was absent during the event (various illustrator), and I (floral illustrator). ♥

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We were given a long table to display our products. I think this is the first time that we had a problem with too much space. Haha.

Left: Monique’s various food postcards, art prints, and stickers. | Right: My sticker packs, individual stickers, and post cards. ♥

Left: Hannah’s best selling Corgi sticker pack, and post cards. | Right: seamountainco’s handmade watercolors in individual half pans, handmade leather notebooks. ♥

Another view. We’re included in the poster! Woo. ♥

My loot! ♥ From left: Camera sticker pack by Inkscribbler, Washi Tapes from Tiny Basket PH, Hustle kahit Hassle by Pundesal, Girly stickers and Postcard from Cassykicks, and stamped things from Jean hahaha. 

A huge thank you to SM Aura for inviting us to this event! ♥ It was a good experience for the team. I’d also like to thank those who bought from us ~ ♥ Thank you for tagging me in your photos! I looooveee seeing what you did with my art. ♥

Until the next event!

Pagtitipon 5

A few weeks ago was January Makers PH‘s third event! We participated in “Pagtitipon 5: Kaligrapiya, Art Tambay, At Iba Pa” held in SM Aura last July 22. The usual members who joined were:  Jean (owner of seamountainco), Monique (food illustrator), Hannah (various illustrator), and I (floral illustrator). ♥

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This event was a calligrapher & artist’s dream. ♥ All of the vendors were selling calligraphy items, watercolor paint, washi tapes, stamps, and a lot more! They even had a destash station with really good deals. (I’m still sad that I didn’t get the 16-color prang set for 50php!).

The event was a huge success! There were a lot of people who joined the free calligraphy workshops by the artists. We didn’t get to join some workshops because we were so busy manning our booth!

A huge thank you for those who bought our postcards, stickers, and watercolor paint! I would like to thank my blockmates Dustin+Eandra, Ivy, Ruth+Joy who came to visit our event. ♥ See you on the next one!

Maker’s Market

The week after our first bazaar, we joined another one! This is Maker’s Market at Century City Mall Makati. We were located on the fourth floor this time. And instead of 3, Hannah finally joined us! So the members of January Makers PH who joined were:  Jean (owner of seamountainco), Monique (food illustrator), Hannah (various illustrator), and I (floral illustrator). ♥

Table Set up! ♥

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Another bazaar meant new challenges. Since we were located on the fourth floor open area, we had to take extra care of our products in case it got windy. It was a good thing that we got tape.

The first day table set-up. ♥

I didn’t get to take much photos during the event. But our social media feed were updated. HAHA. Here are some of our posts:

The last night.

We were in between beadsmustbecrazy, handmade by zaza, and Nifty store PH. Some of the sellers from the previous bazaar were also present here. My professor’s booth – Ubots were located at the ground floor. I also introduced my friends to madebykca‘s semi precious stone jewelry.

Thankful. ♥

Overall, this one was more tiring and challenging. We still had a lot of fun though. We also learned a lot here through experience and advice from fellow bazaar peeps. ♥ For now, the January Makers will take a break to replenish stocks & create more art for future bazaars.

As for me, I have to go back to the interior design world for a while. HUHU. I hope I could still squeeze some time to make more art.

Please follow January Makers PH on Instagram & Facebook. Thank you! ♥

Gawang Kamay PH @ UP Town Center

The January Girls PH had our first bazaar at Gawang Kamay PH! This has kept me busy for the last few days that I didn’t get to finish the 9th anniversary posts on time. Jean (owner of seamountainco), Monique (food illustrator), and I (floral illustrator) were the only members of the January Girls present who sold our items. I think we did a good job!

Our 1st table set up. ♥

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The bazaar was located at the far end of UP Town Center, at the building with the cinema. Due to miscommunication, we started setting up on Day 2 of the event. We were located near the stage area, so I’m sorry for the blueish colors of the photos. I did try to tweak them in Photoshop though.

Day 1 table set up. ♥ These are my postcards, stickers, and original art!

These are my sticker sets: Rainy Set, Sunny Set 1, Sunny Set 2. ♥ They’re all Cut-it-yourself sticker packs.

My mini stickers. I cut them all myself! It was weirdly relaxing cutting all around the sunflower petals.

On the left side is Monique’s food stickers, postcards, and art prints. ♥ I super love her chichirya set!

On the right side is seamountainco! I bought her Purple Ochre color to add to my seamountainco set. ♥

The stage with the strong blue lights & loud club music. HAHA.

Our “rushed” logo HAHA. Floral wreath is mine. The pretty girl was created by Jean. ♥


Overall, it was a really good experience. We learned a lot of things for the next bazaar. We also met a lot of people. I’d like to thank my friends & family who went and supported our event. ♥ Fellow January Girls member Hannah (naks) who went during the 2nd day & helped us with our table.

We decided to change our name to January Makers PH after this bazaar. HAHA. So it would look more professional. Anyway, the next bazaar we applied to was Maker’s Market! Which will be my next post.

Please follow January Makers PH on Instagram & Facebook. Thank you! ♥