It’s time to bring back my blog! The past few weeks/months were busy due to bazaar preps and real life responsibilities. Now that’s finally done (for now), I can squeeze some time for blogging.
So a few months ago, Hannah and I had an art tambay at her house. It was a very productive day, even though it rained like crazy during my stay. Since this was a few months ago, I decided to add some additional photos haha:

My art tambay sunflower. ♥ I started this during one art tambay and finished it in another one!

Two similar Van Gogh sketchbooks given to me by two different people. Thank you Ma’am Jen and Aira for these!

The completed sunflower art tambay piece. ♥ Finished this at Hannah’s.

Inggo asked me to draw our chibi selves for our Food blog. You can find the colored version here.

A dendrobium orchid on one of the test papers that I received from my artist friends. ♥ I think this is the Strathmore visual journal.

Round two is a Cattleya orchid on a Mossery watercolor notebook sample. ♥

The photo reference for both orchids are mama’s orchids in our garden.

This one is a unique art tambay. I did this with Mari, Inggo’s 7 year old cousin who LOVES everything artsy. We were waiting for him to arrive from his Japan trip.
What happened? Have I lost the drive to continue blogging? But I have lots more to write! Ughh. See you hopefully next time.
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