Hello! I’m still adjusting to my new schedule huhu but hopefully I get to squeeze time to do art stuff soon! For now let me reminisce about my art tambays with friends from the past months.

Poppies. ♥
The first one was way back in March at Coffee Project. There were the usual peeps Clair (@claircolors), Hannah (@hmb_urger), Nickey (@wyrdlittlethings) and new peeps Cami (@c4m1sama) and Dani (@cyanoscarlet). ♥ Everyone had a good time, I think! All of us had the same interests and talked about anime / manga hahaha. We even had an art activity where one would draw the lineart and another person would color.

I drew the lineart on the lower left and colored the one beside it. ♥
The second art tambay was at Coffee Project again last Labor day. It was comprised of me, Hannah, Clair, Mjoy (@majoy525), and Clair’s other friends. Jean was also supposed to join us, unfortunately something came up.

A momo botan. ♥
Nothing significant to write about this one. Except that I really, really love my Berkeley watercolor pad! HAHA. And I got to try Clair’s carmine color from Holbein. I bought myself a tube when I got my salary HAHA.

Just some floral practice.
The third one was more intimate. I met with Hannah & Aira (@airadenisee) for our usual Banawe Art Tambay. Aira and I had a “birthday exchange gift” thing since our birthdays were last March & April HAHA. I also brought larger paper with me that time. It was an A4 Aquafine Daler Rowney that I bought from SG a few years ago. Still trying to get used to it! Hannah’s favorite paper is the Canson Montval one.

Left: my painting. | Right: Hannah’s bubble princess painting HAHA.

Dramatic light that got a hundred likes HAHAHA. ♥
The last one is with the January Makers PH at CBTL Katips. We had a hard time painting due to the bad lighting. But it was fun bonding and catching up with the original art tambayers ♥ Present were: Me, Hannah, Shine (@tingeofsunshine), Monique (@mnq_illustration), and Jean (@seamountainco & @jeankelly11)

Apparently not in the mood to paint.

I hate this rose. Huhu.
And that’s it! Blogging about this made me realize that I have a LOT of pending things to do and talk about! Argh! But real life responsibilities first huhuhu. I’ll try my best to blog more in the future! In the meantime, I update a lot more on Instagram so please visit me there. ♥ (I find this funny since two years ago, I ranted about it this HAHA).