
Last year, adult coloring books became popular in Manila. Being the kuripot/hipster person that I am – I bought a plain notebook so I could make my own coloring book HAHAHA. I also did the Inktober Challenge that time. So, anyway!

2016 06 lineart 1

Feeling a bit guilty for not painting – I brought my plain notebook and markers to work. This used to be my main medium but it got too expensive for me so I switched. And the fact that I feel limited to the colors. Right now, I’m in the mood for inking linearts again. So here are some artworks that I did this week.

2016 06 lineart 2

2016 06 lineart wanderer

Ragnarok Online wanderer. I plan on coloring the left side with color pencils.

I also did a fanart of my Arch Bishop in the same notebook months ago:

2016 06 lineart gypsy

This is the reason why I can’t use my markers on the left side.

2016 06 lineart 3

Sola ♥.

2016 06 lineart 4

The left eye is wrong :c

2016 06 lineart 5

2016 06 lineart 6

2016 06 lineart 7

2016 06 lineart 8

2016 06 lineart 10

I did this today. Obviously I only brought my flesh tone markers HAHA.

2016 06 lineart 9

I did the hair using a cheap ballpen.

Ahhh. Satisfied ♥. Time to do more artworks later!

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