For the past few weeks, I’ve been bringing around my Monologue soft sketch almost everywhere so I could sketch or paint whenever I have free time. Well, it worked, HAHA. Although my backpack is a bit heavier now since I also bring my Prang set, I don’t mind since I can paint anytime and anywhere. ♥ So here are my artworks from December 2015 to April 2016.

Left: obviously tried typography and failing AHAHA / Right: First artwork. I love the bloom effects.

Left: Living room interior sketch without using a ruler HUHU / Right: So colorful. *u*

I did this during our stay at Dive & Trek, Batangas. ♥

I didn’t like the artwork that I did on this page. So I covered it with some loose Canson paper artworks and washi tape.Still in the water / lily / girl phase.

Left: First try with my Craft doodle waterbrush ♥ / Right: First time to try out the Craft doodle waterbrush care of Jean.

Left: I still don’t know what to do with her / Right: Referenced from a photo. Used my Reeves watercolor pan set.

Referenced from photo. Used Prang on this one.
Overall, I’m quite satisfied with the Monologue notebook. I actually like the bloom effect on some artworks. The paper buckles with wet on wet technique, but since this is just for practice, I don’t mind that much. The A5 one is the right size for me. One complaint though is that the price of this brand now is ridiculous due to the increasing demand here in the Philippines. I bought mine for around 330php last November 2015. When I checked last month the price was at 470php. The bigger size (A4? I think) I got for 300php years ago, now it’s 700+php. Sigh!
Do you know any online sellers for this? I’d love to hoard this notebook, but with reasonable price.