Something New

On one of my recent art tambays with Hannah, we talked about our art. I told her that I was tired of painting flowers, that I didn’t want to known as the girl who can only paint one thing. She agreed saying that she was also tired of seeing my sunflower paintings, “eww”. Of course she said it in jest, but it got to me a bit HAHA. So I decided I’ll try to paint something different, something new. I went with food illustration which is Monique’s specialty.

Matcha Parfait and Halo-halo ♥

It all started with the left painting. I was craving for Kissako’s matcha parfait that time, so I painted it HAHA. The right one was a request by a friend. I used a Sakura Gelly roll for the whites for both paintings. Speaking of Kissako, we went there last year to have that same parfait. Read more about it on Inggo’s blog. (Yup, it’s back!)

I also attempted to paint Friuli Trattoria‘s margherita pizza and ravioli. I don’t like my first attempt, haha. Its a bit obvious that I tried to save the drawing with inks. I’ll try better next time. I also painted my favorite dessert from said resto: their tiramisu gelato (below, left). The pyramid-shaped thing is their pharaoh’s delight gelato. I thought it looked challenging to paint a white gelato.

Avocado Sans Rival (Left) & Avocado Cupcake (Right).

I find food illustration a bit challenging. From the photo above, I tried inking the paintings to see what it would look like. I liked the effects on the cake, but meh on the cupcake. These are Lia’s Cakes in Seasons cakes. ♥ I already blogged about them here. The avocado sans rival is my favorite!

Puto Bumbong Cake (Left) and Avocado Cheesecake (Right).

More Lia’s Cakes. I haven’t tried the puto bumbong cake yet, but I’m really curious about the taste. Their only branch is in Kapitolyo, so its a bit of a hassle to commute from where I live (QC). The avocado cheesecake is also one of my favorites.

And finally, I tried painting matcha desserts referenced online. I tried to make different line thickness for the white parts and failed. HAHA. The main color that I used here is Winsor & Newton’s Sap green, mixed with a bunch of random colors.

Overall, I enjoyed my experience with food illustration. Its a bit challenging on deciding on how I want to render the drawing: to ink or not, to be realistic with it or as loose as I can. I used my moleskine watercolor pad for this (which I bought years ago and didn’t like). But now I love this pad HAHA. I guess through experience with watercolor? I want to try painting food again soon, but for now, I’ll try another different subject.

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