Winsor & Newton Cotman

After months of deciding, I finally bought my own Winsor & Newton Cotman set!

2016 08 W&N box

Ta daaaaa ♥

Since I can’t afford the 45 set yet, this will do. I ordered mine from The Opinionated Store. It was my first online purchase from a local art supply store. It was hassle free! I just messaged my order on their Facebook page, selected the method of payment (Online bank) and delivery (LBC), and I got it the next day ♥.

2016 08 W&N closed

So pocket friendly!

2016 08 W&N unboxing 1

Just like yummy candy ♥

2016 08 W&N unboxing 2

With a travel brush!

The W&N Cotman sketchers pocket box is Winsor & Newton’s student grade. The colors included are: Lemon Yellow Hue, Cadmium Yellow Hue, Cadmium Red Pale Hue, Alizarin Crimson Hue,  Ultramarine, Intense blue or Pthalo Blue, Viridian, Sap Green, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, and Chinese White.

I can’t wait to try my new bbs. ♥

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