When was this event? I think it was in October last year? Anyway, Make Space Today held an “art tambay” event and invited other artists to encourage people to go and meet. The event started at around 4pm but I was already there around morning time lol since I needed to create the construction drawings for a residential project.

They rearranged the tables into one long table
I invited Hannah, Aira, and my cousin Sydney to the event. They also went earlier than 4pm so we could utilize the time spent in MST.

The table ♥

Left: My incomplete piece | Right: Sydney’s painting
TBH I didn’t concentrated much in painting. I was everywhere catching up / chikahan with my friends / and meeting new people lol. It was a fun event tho! The experienced artists were all game for the demos & question and answer portions. I hope the beginners learned a lot. ♥