Happy Birthday!

2 days ago was my Inggo’s birthday. We celebrated it by taking advantage of a certain buffet’s birthday promo. The birthday celebrant can eat for free as long as they’re accompanied with one paying adult.

2016 08 niu vikings

Niu by Vikings at SM Aura.

2016 08 niu beef medallion

Special order of Beef Medallion with wine cubes.

2016 08 niu dessert

Their dessert station has macarons!

2016 08 niu birthday cake

This was supposed to be the end of this entry. But for his birthday dinner, he convinced me to eat at Four Seasons Buffet at Araneta center instead of a restaurant since it will be cheaper due to the birthday promo. He also said that we could eat at Burger King instead if there are no tables left at said buffet, but they had one last table left for two. So by fate, we ate at another buffet that day.  Please don’t ask anymore about the aftermath.

2016 08 four seasons buffet

Four Seasons Buffet with its Shabby Chic interiors.

2016 08 four seasons buffet wall

Pretty details.

Belated Happy birthday to my Overwatch partner, restaurant & cafe date, travel buddy, best friend, and the love of my life! I love you soooo much! ♥

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