November 2022 – January 2023 Artworks

Let’s start with a compilation post! This was around November 2022 to most of January 2023.

We start with food! I think I painted these as potential stickers or products for StickerCon 2022. I’m pretty sure these didn’t make it to production. After that, I had a painting commission. I still wasn’t confident with my roses in general so I practiced. I painted on my old moleskine watercolor notebook and finally filled up the remaining pages. ♥

Since the commission also consists of orchids, I might as well practice painting these as well. The most popular one – white phalaenopsis orchids, while simple in form and color, is usually hard for me for the same reasons. How would you render this in your style? I still think about this now.

Feeling satisfied with these practices, I went and filled up the remaining page with an apple blossom. I don’t remember why, but I like the simple look of this one. Not too detailed. The background looks nice.

And then it was 2023! The photo above is an attempt at painting an angel’s trumpet. It started out with watercolor on a paper I really didn’t liked and was trying to use up the remaining sheets. Wasn’t really happy so I took out my newly bought (at that time) Holbein gouache. I still didn’t liked it at the time so I considered this finished. Looking at it now, it looks okay? I liked the variety of greens in the background. The photos below were paintings during different months of 2022 but only managed to scan around January 2023:

Above: a compilation of paintings in my Berkeley watercolor pad. I considered this pad as my “play” watercolor pad where I wouldn’t feel guilty painting freely. I really liked the middle rose as its really loose compared to my usual ones. I’m not really sure with the lotus, I think if this had a dark background the “white” would pop more. Below: I remember painting this at Starbucks Banawe. I was supposed to help Hannah with a mural painting for her alma mater, but it was too hot so we went to Starbucks instead.

It feels weird to be blogging again when most people are vlogging. But this site is mainly for me to record my events so its okay. xx number of posts to go!