Weekends & Inktober

It’s been a while since I’ve written something other than exhibit announcements here on this blog. There’s another exhibit announcement that’s still pending, and I’m still waiting for the go signal to announce that one. Anyway, some life updates:

I’m attempting inktober again this year, this time with florals. The current count is at 27 ā™„ 4 to go! I hope I could finish it in time. The college unipins are out of their slumber again, and I even bought new brush pens to add to my mix of ink pens. Enjoying the process and experimentation so far!

I visited the family home a few days ago after 2 years. Got more of my artworks so I could finally scan and have a digital archive. Started to upload my 2021 works into my Print on Demand accounts as well. Next would be uploading most of my inktober works to these sites on November.

It’s a busy weekend!

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